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Rev. biol. trop ; 70(1)dic. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387715


Resumen Introducción: Los escarabajos coprófagos cumplen funciones importantes en los ecosistemas terrestres, pero las presiones antrópicas los afectan negativamente. Estos efectos están bien documentados en los bosques neotropicales de tierras bajas, pero se han estudiado poco en los bosques andinos. Objetivo: Evaluar cómo los atributos de los ensambles de escarabajos coprófagos y tres de sus funciones ecológicas difieren en tres tipos de cobertura vegetal, y determinar las relaciones entre atributos y funciones, y entre funciones. Métodos: Los escarabajos coprófagos se capturaron con trampas pitfall y se midieron las funciones ecológicas a través de un experimento de campo en la hacienda "El Ocaso" (Colombia), en tres tipos de cobertura vegetal: bosque secundario, bosque mixto y pastos para ganado (tres sitios independientes por cobertura). Los atributos del ensamble que se evaluaron fueron: abundancia, número de especies, biomasa y longitud corporal media ponderada; las funciones medidas fueron: remoción de estiércol, excavación del suelo y dispersión secundaria de semillas. Resultados: Se encontró que tanto los atributos del ensamble como las funciones ecológicas se vieron afectados negativamente en las coberturas vegetales más alteradas, particularmente en los pastos ganaderos. La mayoría de los atributos de ensamblaje se correlacionaron positivamente con las funciones; la excavación del suelo y la dispersión secundaria de semillas tuvieron una fuerte correlación positiva con la remoción de estiércol. Conclusiones: Los ensambles de escarabajos coprófagos juegan importantes funciones ecológicas y son sensibles a las alteraciones del ecosistema. Este estudio muestra cómo los escarabajos coprófagos y sus funciones se ven afectados negativamente cuando el bosque se transforma en pastizales para ganado en los ecosistemas forestales andinos poco estudiados y altamente fragmentados.

Abstract Introduction: Dung beetles perform important functions in terrestrial ecosystems, but anthropic pressures affect them negatively. These effects are well documented in neotropical lowland forests but have been studied little in Andean forests. Objective: To evaluate how the attributes of the dung beetle assemblages and three of their ecological functions differ in three types of vegetation cover, and to determine the relationships between attributes and functions, and among functions. Methods: Dung beetles were captured with pitfall traps, and ecological functions were measured through a field experiment in the farm "El Ocaso" (Colombia), in three types of vegetation cover: secondary forest, mixed forest and cattle pasture (three independent sites per cover). The assemblage attributes that were evaluated were abundance, number of species, biomass, and weighted mean body length; functions measured were dung removal, soil excavation, and secondary seed dispersal. Results: It was found that both the assemblage attributes and the ecological functions were negatively affected in the more disturbed vegetation covers, particularly in cattle pastures. Most of the assemblage attributes correlated positively with functions; soil excavation and secondary seed dispersal had a strong positive correlation with dung removal. Conclusions: Dung beetle assemblages play important ecological functions and they are sensitive to ecosystem disturbances. This study shows how dung beetles and their functions are affected negatively when forest is transformed to cattle pasture in the understudied and highly fragmented Andean forest ecosystems.

Animais , Besouros , Esterco , Colômbia , Biota
Integr Zool ; 6(4): 399-408, 2011 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22182331


Seeds of many plant species are secondarily dispersed by dung beetles, but the outcome of this interaction is highly context-specific. Little is known about how certain anthropogenic disturbances affect this plant-animal interaction. The aims of this study were to assess the effect of dung type on secondary dispersal by dung beetles in a forest fragment, and to determine whether this interaction is affected by edge effects. Using pitfall traps, we captured dung beetles attracted to dung of 2 frugivorous mammals: woolly monkeys and howler monkeys. We found differences between both dung beetle assemblages, but these differences were not consistent in time. Using seeds surrounded by both dung types, we carried out a field experiment using seeds of 2 plant species. We found that the probability of secondary dispersal by dung beetles was higher for seeds placed in woolly monkey dung. Finally, we carried out a field experiment using plastic beads as seed mimics to assess edge effects. We found that secondary seed dispersal by dung beetles was negatively affected by edges. The disruption of plant-animal interactions along anthropogenic forest edges could have long-term negative effects on forest dynamics by affecting processes of regeneration.

Atelidae , Besouros/fisiologia , Fezes , Florestas , Dispersão de Sementes/fisiologia , Animais , Colômbia , Especificidade da Espécie